ECLL 2013 - The European Conference on Language Learning

  • Du jeudi 18 juillet 2013 au dimanche 21 juillet 2013
  • Brighton, United Kingdom


Over the past years, education has seen many shifts in the areas of teaching methodology, assessment, and use of technology; to mention a few. Learner-centered classrooms, collaboration, and transformative education focus on process in addition to content. These are just a few of the changes that have occurred. Education reform is everywhere as teachers and administrators attempt to create schools and classes for the 21st century. To do our jobs properly, we need to be aware of these changes. And as language educators we need to show how language learning and teaching can help achieve the goals of the future. We invite language educators, administrators, policy makers, and others to join us at ECLL 2013 as we share what we are doing in our classrooms and at our schools to respond to the shifts happening around us.

The aim of this International Conference is to encourage academics, scholars and practitioners representing an exciting diversity of countries, cultures, and religion  to meet and exchange ideas and views in a forum encouraging respectful dialogue. By bringing together a number of university scholars working throughout Japan, Asia, and beyond to share ideas, ECLL 2013 will afford the opportunity for renewing old acquaintances, making new contacts, and networking across higher education and beyond.