Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Through Physical Education: The New Zealand Experience

  • Jeudi 10 octobre 2013 de 12 h à 13 h 30
  • À l’Agora de l’Université de Sherbrooke



Photo de Barrie Gordon

Gordon, Barrie

Pr Barrie Gordon, Faculté d'éducation de la Victoria University (Wellington, Nouvelle-Zélande) est un expert reconnu de ce modèle, le Pr Gordon présentera ses travaux récents menés dans le cadre d’enquêtes et d’analyses d’implantation du Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Model (TPSR) en enseignement de l’éducation physique et à la santé au secondaire. Le modèle TPSR est une approche pédagogique de l’enseignement de l’éducation physique qui implique une structuration particulière de l’activité enseignante. Bien implanté en Nouvelle-Zélande, il a pour préoccupation centrale le développement de la responsabilité personnelle et sociale des élèves, une préoccupation d’actualité au Québec comme nous le rappellent quotidiennement les médias.


The Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Model (TPSR) is a pedagogical approach to the teaching of physical education that has become well established within New Zealand secondary schools. The model overtly places developing personal and social responsibility as a major goal for participants and the teaching structure is carefully organized to maximize opportunities for this to occur. This presentation will be based on three research projects completed within New Zealand secondary schools. The first was a national survey of all secondary school physical education departments in New Zealand (370) that sought to identify the degree to which TPSR was being used and to gain some understanding of how it was implemented in practice. The second project was an in-depth analysis of a six-month quasi-experimental implementation of TPSR in a New Zealand secondary school. The final project involved interviewing twelve teachers who had over two years of experience of teaching TPSR in New Zealand secondary school physical education programmes. The presentation will present the model and its theoretical and philosophical underpinnings, situate TPSR within the New Zealand Curriculum, give an over view of the research findings, examine the reality of TPSR practice when taught in the New Zealand “swamp of practice” and identify questions and pathways for the future. The presentation will conclude with a discussion on the potential for TPSR to be used as a pedagogical model for areas of learning other than physical education and its suitability for full school implementations.

Cette conférence constitue une occasion unique d’en apprendre davantage à propos des fondements philosophiques et théoriques de ce modèle d’intervention encore méconnu, des facteurs qui facilitent et contraignent sa mise en oeuvre en contexte scolaire et des possibilités de le transposer dans d'autres domaines de formation ainsi qu'aux études supérieures.