Le modèle brésilien de TV numérique comme outil de démocratisation de l’information et de la communication

  • Lundi 15 mars 2010 à 12 h
  • Local B-328 Pavillon Marie-Victorin Université de Montréal


Photo de Mauro Oliveira

Oliveira, Mauro

Biography of Professor Mauro Oliveira
Dr Mauro Oliveira is Professor at the Centro Federal de
Educação Tecnológica do Ceará (CEFET), where he
teaches Computer Networks and Scientific Methodology,
since 1974. He is also researcher of the Master of
Science Program at the Universidade Estadual do Ceará
(UECE), member of Brazilian Digital TV Forum and
Scientific Adviser at Mackenzie University of São Paulo,
in Brazil.
He served as Telecommunications National Secretary of the Brazilian
Communications Ministry (MINICOM) from June 2004 until September 2005,
when was the coordinator of the Brazilian Digital TV Project. He served also
as Adjunct Secretary of Science & Technology and Higher Education at the
State of Ceará, from january 2007 until april 2008.
Prior to his nomination as MINICOM’s Telecommunication Secretary,
Professor Mauro Oliveira was CEFET Director-General (1988-2003). He
spearheaded the CEFET's education activities, particularly a social project at
Pirambu, a disadvantaged district of Fortaleza with many problems of
infrastructure, unemployment, drugs and marginalization among the young
people. This project, initiated in 1993, is an experience of success in the
Digital Divide context. The youths were trained at the CEFET in Software
Development and Network Connectivity. Nowadays, they are entrepreneurs
of the IT sector, in their own neighborhood. This project, called Pirambu
Digital, is based on the cooperative model and uses concepts of solidarity
economy. His methodology has been replicated in other suburbs of the
Ceará state.
Born on 4 September 1954, Mauro Oliveira holds a M.Sc in Electrical
Engineering from the Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) and
a Ph.D in Computer Science from the Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris
VI, France). He then carried out a postdoctoral stage at the Centre for
Telecommunication Research (CTR) at the King’s College of London.
He keeps several groups of research in the telecommunications area in his
laboratory at the CEFET, distributed in four fields of study: Computer
Networks (Intelligent Systems applied for Network Management, Quality of
Service), Wireless Telecom (Context Aware Mobile Service, Integration
Brazilian Digital TV Middleware in Ambient Networks), Computing Education
(Computer Network Teaching, Distance Learning) and Information Society
(Digital Divide, Interactive TV Digital for Internet Access). More than 25
postgraduate students have been assisted by the Professor Mauro Oliveira
and he has written over 80 scientific papers, published 120 articles in
newspapers and 7 books. He was researcher of CNPq, the National Council
for Scientific and Technological Development of the Brazil, when he
coordinated several research projects (Faro, Rmav, Gerente, Flash, etc).
Professor Mauro Oliveira participated of the first meeting (1988) for the
implementation of the Internet in Brazil and was member of the CGI.BR
(Manager Committee of the Internet Brazil). He was also chairman of the
XIV SBRC-Brazilian Symposium of Computer Networks (1996), of the XX
SEMISH-Brazilian Symposium of Hardware and Software (1999) and of
other important conferences in Brazil. He gave several courses of Network
Management at the Computer Science Department of many universities in
Brazil: PUC-Rio, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), Universidade
Federal da Paraiba, Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC), etc.
On the international scene, Prof Mauro Oliveira was a Guest Professor of the
DEA Program at the Université de Technologie de Troyes (2003). He also
gave lectures in the Département D’Informatique de l’IUT of the Université
Claude-Bernard, Lyon 1 (1991). He participated actively in several
meetings on the ADVANCE Project / RACE European Program (1991-1993)
and he has given several technical lectures about Digital TV and Computer
Networks in Europe (Paris, Zurique) and Digital Divide lectures in Latin
America (Santiago, Buenos Aires). He also participated, as Brazilian
Telecommunication Secretary, of meetings for the Preparatory Committee
(met in Geneva at 19 Sep.2005) for the World Summit on the Information
Society (WSIS) in Tunis, in 2005.
Dr Mauro Oliveira is proficient in three languages: French, English and
Decorations and honorary titles


Cette communication aborde deux grands points : la question
particulièrement décisive du modèle de télévision numérique
développé au Brésil et la démocratisation de la technologie de
l'information et de la communication. Au Brésil, presque tous les
ménages possèdent une télévision analogique (technologie classique)
tandis que seulement 12 à 18% d'entre eux, selon les régions du pays,
ont accès à Internet. Cette situation affecte les couches les plus pauvres
de la société brésilienne et illustre clairement l'exclusion sociale. Cette
situation pourrait toutefois changer avec l’arrivée de la TV numérique
reliée à Internet. Comment donc explorer les relations entre les
collectivités locales et les nouvelles technologies ? Nous avons conçu
Larissa, une architecture intelligente qui sert d'outil informatique visant à
favoriser la démocratisation de l’accès à l’information ainsi que la gestion
et la prise de décision, notamment dans les domaines de la santé et de
Mauro Oliveira, Ph.D
Professeur au CEFET
Le CRIFPE Montréal